
Showing posts from June, 2010

The Vanity Monster

We are slowly sneaking up on July which is making me panic a bit. July is jam packed and in the middle is a Bahama cruise for the hubby and me. This is the reason for my panic. In my dreams, I am fabulously fit and smashingly gorgeous by the time we set foot on that boat; but in reality, I am frumpy and pudgy still. Don't get me wrong--I have come a long way since I started this trek in February--but you know how it is. My dreams are highly unrealistic since my self discipline is somewhat undisciplined.  Time to focus on the positive as I often tell my kids.       I am healthier.       I am exercising more and more.       Exercise is getting easier and I do enjoy it.       I am much more knowledgeable about the body and staying healthy. I just wish I could twinkle my nose and be at my goal...of course, then I wouldn't appreciate it. I'd like to try though... So, now I'm on the count down. 18 day...

a short hike...

We spent a few days at our ranch on the Palo Duro Canyon camping and hanging out. It was great fun even if it was a bit hot and muggy. The first night we gazed at the moon and stars when they came out and watched the incredible lightening storm off to the south east. We talked about what to do the next day, where to hike and find the best picnic spots. Dreamed of one day building a house on the point with the best view. Shannon brainstormed about building roads and dams for ponds. The boys, for once, acted like civilized people and dreamed along with us. I sat enjoying the family time and breathing in the fresh night air. When it was time to hit the sheets, the camper was still pretty warm even with all the windows open. We did our best to fall asleep but with sweat running down your back and bugs dive bombing your head, it was a little hard. Finally the air cooled and a nice breeze blew in and we went to sleep long after midnight. We awoke at 11:30 am! Amazingly, we felt rested and...

treadmill marathon

Why is running so much easier on a treadmill versus the real outside world? My hips and shins are killing me from 2 days ago! There go my dreams of being a marathon runner...unless... there is a treadmill marathon... Don't know if I could do a marathon anyway. My idea of training consists of working out to burn enough calories to justify a glass of wine in the evening. Is that bad?  As I write this, the World Cup is on TV and I love watching soccer almost as much as basketball. Maybe I will become a professional soccer player in my next life, the field looks soft--my hips could probably handle it. Besides, I would have amazing legs that way too. And the shoes, I love the bright colors and designs on soccer shoes. Fashion would be my second reason for professional soccer. Not to mention, you can play in the indoor arenas and not fight the wind. Another reason for a treadmill marathon would be the dad gum wind! Our trees are almost bent in half, pointing directly to the north--lik...

routine is HARD!

Summer is officially in full swing. We've all been sunburned to prove it!  I've made a conscious effort to stay in some sort of routine this summer. This is not an easy task for me at all! My health does much better when I put it as a priority, so this summer I have been getting up every morning by 8 am and going to bed by midnight. Again, NOT easy for me. I love to stay up late and sleep late, be lazy and have absolutely no agenda. I seriously could live in a hut on a beach worrying about which swimsuit to wear and which book to read, however, this is very unrealistic--or so I've been told anyway... OK, so back to my routine--I have managed to work out at least 4 days a week. I try to hit the gym mostly and I have started a yoga class with my mom which has been very interesting. I am enjoying it because the instructor is very knowledgeable and funny too. She is from Brazil and I am mesmerized  by her accent. Not to mention, I can imagine doing yoga poses on the beach as ...