Does money have power?
So this is one of those questions like: Which came first, the chicken or the egg? DOES MONEY HAVE POWER? Right now I am sitting in a hotel lobby listening to the conversations going on around me. One particular conversation caught my attention. There is a group of 4 men sitting a couple of tables over, and on happens to ask the group this very question. First, let me tell you why this caught my ear. Not too long ago, Shannon and I accompanied a then unmarried couple friends of ours on a summer trip to the mountains. They had been working through a book of questions to ask each other before getting married. As chaperones, we were there to bless them with our infinite marital wisdom. (yes, you may laugh out loud now.)So, this question pops up not long after we hit the road. "Does money have power?" Next I should tell you, Shannon and I have been married for 15 years at this point. We should know each other by now. The truth is we do know each other, but, that does not mean ...