3:45 am...
That's right it's 3:45 am and I'm blogging. Why? Well, I'm in pain again. Nope, not the hips or the gut, actually it's my left foot! You see, I have a stupid stress fracture from running on the treadmill! I guess the pain meds wore off because it is throbbing like crazy right now. So, I'm up until the next dose kicks in. Tuesday evening I went to the gym to work out. I was so proud of myself for starting a new exercise routine and staying with it. When I finished my walk/run program on the treadmill, I was fine until I stepped off and felt shocking pains shoot from the top of my foot all the way up my shin. I nearly fell down! On the way home I noticed my shoe was feeling really tight and I couldn't wait to get it off. Once I was home and the shoe came off, I realized my foot was pretty swollen. I couldn't put any weight on it either. The last thing I wanted to do at 9 pm was go to the 24 hour care clinic for an xray. So, after a miserable night I calle...