
Showing posts from February, 2011

3:45 am...

That's right it's 3:45 am and I'm blogging. Why? Well, I'm in pain again. Nope, not the hips or the gut, actually it's my left foot! You see, I have a stupid stress fracture from running on the treadmill! I guess the pain meds wore off because it is throbbing like crazy right now. So, I'm up until the next dose kicks in. Tuesday evening I went to the gym to work out. I was so proud of myself for starting a new exercise routine and staying with it. When I finished my walk/run program on the treadmill, I was fine until I stepped off and felt shocking pains shoot from the top of my foot all the way up my shin. I nearly fell down! On the way home I noticed my shoe was feeling really tight and I couldn't wait to get it off. Once I was home and the shoe came off, I realized my foot was pretty swollen. I couldn't put any weight on it either. The last thing I wanted to do at 9 pm was go to the 24 hour care clinic for an xray. So, after a miserable night I calle...

Being 30-GREAT!!

Hello Tuesday! I awoke with an actual desire to get stuff done today. I guess if you put things off long enough, you will eventually want to do them. I just sat down with my 1st cup of coffee and realized how long it's been since I blogged... also realized, I've now been blogging for 1 year! Wow, time flies. A few days ago I turned 38 or 30-great as a friend of mine says. I like that 30-great attitude and I do believe I will keep that mentality. Age really is a complete state of mind. Honestly, I still feel about 27 on the inside. I hope I'm a bit wiser though. Sometimes, I'll catch a glimpse of myself in a passing mirror and think--Good grief! Who is that frumpy middle aged woman looking at me? Oh--it's me, that's right, I'm not in my 20s anymore...  Oh well. I actually like getting older. I wish my body would stay young but, I wouldn't give up any of the life I've had getting to this point. I feel seasoned, like a good marinated steak. Ok, weir...


Well, I've not had much sleep tonight due to the incessant wind from this arctic front blowing across the Panhandle. These storms also bring other goodies like uncontrollable joint and body aches. Why do I not live on a tropical beach somewhere? It's been a rough 2 weeks in the Burdett household. I got this upper respiratory crud that put me in bed for 5 days, 4 of which I ran fever regardless of taking Tylenol around the clock. I literally slept through the 4 days and have very little recollection of anything that transpired during that time.  When I finally surfaced I felt like I had been hit by a Mack truck. Every bone, joint, muscle and cell in my body hurt. I was just starting to feel better when this dang arctic blast moved in. Now, I'm in so much freaking pain I can't get it under control with any of my big gun meds. Not to mention that after holding down the fort while I was incoherent, Shannon got the same crud too. And now~ to top it off, Erik is home with...

Part 2-Does money have power?

I know it's been a while since my last blog, it seems that life has interfered with my blogging time... So,  Does money have power?  No. Money is not capable of possessing power on it's own. If it's lying on a table, it's just paper and has no capabilities alone.   However, with that being said, it does open up opportunities for people to use it in a powerful way. It is merely an instrument.  Shannon would argue that money is powerful because of the opportunities it can provide. I understand his point but I still feel the power lies in the hands of the person.  Just like a hammer or a baseball bat, both can be very powerful when used by a person. It's the same with money.