My friend, Katy Ely (the X Factor girl & ), was needing some photos to update her website with so I volunteered to try my hand at it. I have a decent camera so, we loaded up one day last week and headed out to get a few snapshots. This was SO MUCH fun! Maybe I was a photographer in a former life? Maybe it's just the camera, but, dang if these didn't turn out spectacular! Katy is an awesome subject to work with. She's like this natural poser so all I did was point and shoot! Talk about photogenic too, her big blue eyes and beautiful smile just pop in photos. Her inner Diva came to life and that girl worked the camera around her little finger! To prove it, I'm posting a few of my favorite shots here. My ABSOLUTE fave. So glamorous! A nice classic pic here. Here's the DIVA I was telling you about... She's so photogenic and a complete natural in front of the camera. This was just pretty darn fun! I love being creative and these...