Clinical vs Emotional
When I started researching the ileostomy surgery I found all sorts of info that was very clinical . I was able to understand exactly what the surgeon would do to my body and why. When I met with the ostomy care nurse at the hospital, she was very helpful and knowledgeable also. What I wasn't prepared for were the feelings I would experience when this procedure was done on me. Emotionally as well as physically. This is why I have made it a priority to be very open and honest about all that I've gone through. I am willing to talk openly about everything relating to having an ileostomy. In fact, I'll even show it to you if you ask! I've found this topic makes people very uncomfortable. I also get a lot of "pity" looks. I understand this, I really do, but this procedure has given me my life back. I am healthier now than I have been in 10 years! There is no reason to feel sorry for me because I have an ileostomy. (I'm not!) Which is all the more reason for m...