Bad Attitude

I'm still mad. Crohn's still sucks. I'm still in pain. My attitude rivals that of a newly awakened hibernating bear. All teeth and claws. Is it bad that all I want to do is curl up with my Bubba dog and pretend the world doesn't exist? That's where I'm at right now. The stupid weather can't make up it's mind. One day it's a gorgeous 73 degrees and the next it's arctic living at it's worst. I wore flip flops yesterday and today, Uggs because there is snow blowing sideways. I've stopped watching the weather because it does nothing but piss me off. If I follow the forecasts then I start to anticipate the pain I will be in which makes me feel like a total hypochondriac. My body is enough of a radar on it's own. I can feel a change coming as early as 2 days before it arrives. Every joint in me is screaming, "MOVE TO A TROPICAL CLIMATE!" I was telling some friends yesterday just how badly my attitude stinks. I want t...