School Daze, New Projects and A Thousand Words...
School starts tomorrow and I couldn't be happier! We are implementing the structured school regimen much to the kids dislike. Bedtimes and phone curfews commence tonight. I love this time of year for so many reasons, most of them are somewhat selfish I must confess. I crave the routine we are forced into this time of year. I love the kids going to bed at a decent hour leaving a couple of hours for Shannon and I to just relax together. I enjoy the early mornings (very hard for me) because I am so much more productive during the day.
The hint of fall in the air gets me excited for football games, concession stand nachos and breaking out the sweaters! I love the long sunny days of summer but am ready to welcome the early evenings of winter. The crisp smell of turning leaves makes me wanna snuggle up with blankets and start a fire.
One of my favorite things about the school year is the amount of time I have during the day to pursue my interests outside of chores and kids. After the kids and Shannon head out I sit down with coffee, day planner and my Bible. Taking this time to focus on the Word and what each day hold is priceless. Then I begin my chores and errands hoping to squeeze in some project time.
This week will mark the start of my self-improvement plan. I am making a change in how I stay organized from meals to chores to hobbies. As I write this, I am drinking my last adult beverage until Friday. I will be allowed to indulge only on the weekends. I will be cooking a minimum of 4 nights a week which means regular grocery shopping every week too. Exercising will be done Monday through Friday and 2 of those days will be spent with that personal trainer who makes me want to cuss. I am already in full swing since I have completed the task of cleaning the utility room.
This weeks goal-- my closet. Every year about this time I try to clean out my closet. I have a pretty good system in place now. I turn all of my hangers around backwards on the rod, then when I wear something, wash it and hang it back up, the hanger faces the right direction. By the time fall rolls around I know the clothes I've worn and those I haven't. I then pack up those unworn and disperse them to church benevolence centers and women's organizations that help clothe women trying to better them selves for job interviews.
Recently, I made some 5x7 cards with a collage of pictures I've taken. I plan to use those as a business card. So I racked my brain thinking of a fun name for my project and settled on "A Thousand Words..." What do you think? Who knows where this will go or if it will even go anywhere, but a girl's gotta dream.
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