X Factor continued...

Yes, I realize it's been almost a month since Katy and I went to the X Factor auditions...Sorry about that. Craziness is all I can blame it on...

So, the X Factor wasn't looking for someone like Katy. :(
She is not your basic cookie cutter pop diva so she did not fit the mold. What I prefer to say is: Katy is not looking for the X Factor type venue. She is an AMAZING singer that I would liken to Ella Fitzgerald or Adelle, not Brittany Spears or Katy Perry.

The trip was very important in so many ways. Katy did great in her audition and more importantly felt great about her audition. She said she wouldn't change anything about it except for maybe a judge who could appreciate her talent. I watched Katy as she contemplated  her music choices for the audition and was completely blown away by the amount of soul that comes out when she just rehearses! Simon--you missed out on an incredibly talented young woman! Katy was born to sing. Period.

On our way to Dallas for the auditions, Katy shared her desire to sing and perform. She's been stuck in a rut lately and has felt the need to re-evaluate her goals and desires. Singing makes her happy. It fills her up. Her whole body language changes when she talks music. It is absolutely part of Katy. Leaving Dallas, Katy felt even stronger that she must make the most of her God-given talent.

For a single woman, this means making some big sacrifices. It means pursuing a life long dream by stepping out of security and into the unknown. Katy has to decide what it's worth to her to follow her heart. Does that mean walking away from a steady pay check? Putting herself out there in venues that are new and a little intimidating?

Here's what I know: Katy is unbelievably talented. Katy is perfectly capable of making money doing what she loves. Katy is very intelligent and savvy. She can and will succeed at whatever she puts her heart to.

Katy, you literally ROCK!!! I look forward to the day when I can say " I knew Katy Ely when..." Check her out: http://www.katyely.com/


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