
Showing posts from January, 2012

3 Little Words

On Wednesday I had an appointment with my surgeon, after a very thorough exam and stitches removal, he said the 3 little words I've been longing for:                                                  NO MORE RESTRICTIONS! I can't tell you how happy this makes me! I am so tired of sitting around, taking it easy. I think I've seen everything on Pinterest, Facebook, Zappo's, Amazon and a few other sites. Let's just say, Shannon may kill me when he gets our credit card bill... It's not good for me to be idle. I am sooooo ready to move and shake. For months I have had to rest and heal which has given me lots of thinking time. Time to make new goals, New Year's Resolutions, and a list a mile long of various DIY projects and crafts. Now that I've been released I don't want to do any of the yucky chores like laundry and cooking. That's why this weekend will be designat...

New Year ~ New Me

After my ileostomy procedure in September I had one good month until symptoms of Ulceritive Colitis set in again. My surgeon decided it was time to remove the remaining part of my rectum and the surgery was set for December 13, 2011. This was supposed to be a fairly short 3 day hospital stay and an easier surgery than the ileostomy... supposed to be anyway... Going in for surgery the morning of December 13th is the last clear thing I remember, the rest is a hazy combination of what I've been told happened and my own drug induced memory.  Surgery went well and with out complication. My doc found my rectum to be in horrible shape, completely eaten up with the UC. No wonder I was in so much pain! So he removed the rectum and proceeded to close up the surgical site and  send me to recovery. Here is where things took a wrong turn. I do not remember waking up in recovery at all. Of all the surgeries I've had, I always remember waking in recovery. The next thing I know, I am ...