3 Little Words
On Wednesday I had an appointment with my surgeon, after a very thorough exam and stitches removal, he said the 3 little words I've been longing for: NO MORE RESTRICTIONS! I can't tell you how happy this makes me! I am so tired of sitting around, taking it easy. I think I've seen everything on Pinterest, Facebook, Zappo's, Amazon and a few other sites. Let's just say, Shannon may kill me when he gets our credit card bill... It's not good for me to be idle. I am sooooo ready to move and shake. For months I have had to rest and heal which has given me lots of thinking time. Time to make new goals, New Year's Resolutions, and a list a mile long of various DIY projects and crafts. Now that I've been released I don't want to do any of the yucky chores like laundry and cooking. That's why this weekend will be designat...