3 Little Words

On Wednesday I had an appointment with my surgeon, after a very thorough exam and stitches removal, he said the 3 little words I've been longing for:
                                                 NO MORE RESTRICTIONS!
I can't tell you how happy this makes me! I am so tired of sitting around, taking it easy. I think I've seen everything on Pinterest, Facebook, Zappo's, Amazon and a few other sites. Let's just say, Shannon may kill me when he gets our credit card bill...

It's not good for me to be idle. I am sooooo ready to move and shake. For months I have had to rest and heal which has given me lots of thinking time. Time to make new goals, New Year's Resolutions, and a list a mile long of various DIY projects and crafts. Now that I've been released I don't want to do any of the yucky chores like laundry and cooking. That's why this weekend will be designated chore time.

Today I started with some of the freezer meals I found on Pinterest. I put together over 10 meals this morning that can be frozen then put in crock pot or oven for dinner any time over the next few months. I'm hoping this will allow me more play time. Now, when I say 10, I mean multiples of 6 different recipes. I just bag them in servings of 4-6.

Tomorrow I plan to jump on the ever piling laundry as well as put a couple more meals together, if I have the energy...

Energy, it is in high demand and very low supply. I have to pace myself. Yesterday my mom and I went to the grocery store. My 2nd son was with us and was a huge help to me. When we got home, I was so exhausted I couldn't even carry in the groceries. I promptly crawled into bed and stayed there for 3 hours. Shannon and the boys were left to carry in and unpack all the goods. That trip was all I did yesterday but it wore me out, and I felt like I had just run a marathon.  It took me several hours to put all the meals together this morning too. I kept having to stop and rest in between recipes. I know I shouldn't get frustrated, I should look at how far I've come. After all, I was in ICU after major surgery 4 weeks ago. Perspective is the key word here. Just have to remember that.

My body aches the more active I become. Sometimes at night, I am so sore I can't relax enough to fall asleep with out pain meds. I guess that's to be expected after 5 months of inactivity, 27 total days in the hospital and 3 surgeries...  I've lost 38 pounds so far and have dropped 2 sizes! However, my muscles are gone and everything is flabby and weak so I'm having to build back my stamina and muscle tone too. I can't wait to get back to the gym. I finally have a flat tummy for the 1st time in years but now I have this ileostomy bag hanging from it--no bikini for me, darn it. Oh well, I'm healthy for the first time in almost 8 years, I shouldn't complain.

Some girlfriends and I are doing a Beth Moore Bible study this semester, James Mercy Triumphs. We are only in the 1st week but already it is so enlightening. I've needed this for a very long time. I've been dryer than dry, pretty much dust to be honest. I'm looking forward to what is revealed through this study and how it will effect me. More on this later...

Well, I think I need a nap after my kitchen duties this morning.  The dog and I are headed to bed for an hour or so, maybe I'll wake up with some more energy...


  1. So excited to hear all of this my dear :) You are amazing and so loved. The world will be much brighter when you are able to once again shine! Cannot wait to spend more time with you!


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