Saw my GI doc on Thursday. Great visit. He got a kick out of the pouch I wore for him. This one is named "Superostomy!"
He calmed many of my fears and answered lots of questions that had been rattling around in my head.

He decided to take me off Cymbalta, the antidepressant I'd been on since before the ileostomy. I've been feeling mushy brained for several months and he believes Cymbalta is too strong now. This is a huge turn around, usually, we were upping the antidepressants because they weren't strong enough. So now, he has prescribed Gabapentin. It's supposed to help with nerve pain which I still struggle with. I think I have nerve damage fro the UC. Two days on it now and I am already thinking clearer and pain seems to be somewhat controllable too. The hubs says he notices a big difference already too. AND, I am sleeping through the night. I have not slept through the night since surgery; actually, long before that too. Before surgery, I was up and down at night with joint pain, runs to the potty, and abdominal cramping. After surgery, I often woke up for no reason, it's like I just didn't sleep deep. In fact, I cannot remember the last time I dreamed. I'd forgotten what it's like to sleep solid for more than 4 hours at a time and I'm dreaming again. All this in just 2 nights!  Can't wait to see how good I feel after a full week of REAL sleep.

Doc was also very impressed that I was running. (This went straight to my head.) He said very few people who suffer from Ulcerative Colitis can run. The joint pain, emergency bathroom trips and lack of energy and stamina can be crippling. This simple statement confirmed how I always felt when trying to keep a regular workout going BO (Before Ostomy, the UC days). Now, PO (Post Ostomy, UC free days) it's finally an option to run again--and NOT to the nearest potty--actual running! Outside!

Speaking of running, not only does it make me feel good, but I have lost 4.75 inches in 3 weeks! I've been running longer than 3 weeks so, I'm not really sure how much my body has changed since the beginning. It just so happens that 3 weeks ago, a friend and I decided to start measuring because she's working hard to look amazing on her wedding day next July.

I bought a BMI (Body Mass Index) scale that tells me what my fat ratio is as well as my weight. I'm not sure I like this little machine. It's not always very nice. I will say this, While my weight will fluctuate, the numbers on body fat have decreased each time I step on it. I do not weigh everyday, that would be too discouraging, I weigh once a week--sometimes less. When you exercise, your muscles will swell changing the number of pounds seen on a scale. If you are retaining water (which we females seem to excel at), this will add to the weight number too. So, to go by just what a plain weight scale says can be very misleading. Using a BMI scale encourages me when I see the body fat number drop or the muscle one increase. It allows my mind to wrap around the inconsistency of the plain weight number. Also, muscle weighs more than fat. BIG, BIG thing to remember when working out regularly.

Measuring is also huge for me. I tend to loose (lose? I never can remember which word to use) inches faster than actual pounds. I can see it in my clothes before I will see it on the scale. We only measure every 3 weeks because that gives the body enough time to change. Measuring every week would be a bit discouraging for the same reason as weighing everyday.

1. everyday drainable
2. athletic closed ended
3. intimate closed ended
This ostomy thing is getting easier and easier as time goes by. It's also easier to accept when you realize how freaking good it make you feel! I haven't had a major "bagcident" in a while. *knock on wood* I've got a pretty good schedule for how long I can wear the flange and wafer part before I need to change it for a new one. I change the bag/pouch part everyday, sometimes twice a day. I'm fortunate that my insurance allows enough supplies for this to be possible. I use 3 different bags based on what I am doing. I have an everyday drainable pouch, a closed-ended smaller pouch for workouts, and a very small pouch I wear for intimacy. The pouch sizes and types are something I have learned to use over the past few months. It took some time to not be intimidated by the thought of trying something different than what I came home from the hospital with.

Got some new running shoes!! I can't wait to strap 'em on and hit the pavement. So, I think I will sign off now, gotta change to my "athletic wear." You know, the evil athletic bra made out of industrial strength fiber that could withstand an atomic bomb and of course, my running ostomy bag.


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