Emergency Car Kit for Ostomates

It never fails, when I am on the run--this is when I will have a major ostomy malfunction! My solution to this is not to crawl under a rock and hide; though that would be very nice sometimes, it is to keep a stash of supplies in my car at all times. I found a small backpack (not even big enough to hold a school binder) that fits nicely under my car's seat. I love this little thing! It cost me about $9 at Walmart and it's worth it's weight in gold. It has saved my butt (hee hee) more times than not. I can grab it and do a quick pouch or even, the whole ostomy change right in my car. I've also taken it in to numerous convenience stores, restaurants, and other public areas. It has everything I need in it. The nice thing is it doesn't shout OSTOMY either. Here's how I fill my little back pack: Disposal Ziplock Bag Ostomy Pouch Wafer Eakin Seal Skin Prep wipe Flushable Baby Wipes I take items 2-5 and I place one of each inside one disposal ziplock ...