HaPpY WoRlD OsToMy DaY!!

Did you know that today, October 6th 2012, is World Ostomy Awareness Day?

Until last year, I wouldn't have either. Honestly, I probably wouldn't have even cared before that. Ostomies, bowel disease and bowel cancers do not get the same appreciation as other cancers such as breast cancer. I'm not dissing on breast cancer by any means, it's just as horrible and I applaud the efforts of survivors and charities supporting it. I just want the same for recognition for bowel issue sufferers.

So today, I am going to be 100% on fire for my ostomy. Why? So glad you asked! Plain and simple: it gave me my life back. Yep, that's it in a bag (uh hum, cheesy, I know). This little bag on the right side of my belly has given me more to be thankful for than I could've ever imagined before. The old saying "You don't know what you have until it's gone..." Yeah, so true. A person tends to take their health for granted when there is nothing wrong. Throw in a bad case of Ulcerative Colitis and suddenly you long for those healthy days before.

With an ostomy now, I totally appreciate EVERY SINGLE DAY because I feel good again! Even days where I might have a headache or the normal cold--I still appreciate those because I am not spending every day in the bathroom, zoned out on pain meds, or worrying if this is the day I end up being admitted to the hospital because the flare is out of control.

So yeah, I'm celebrating today like it's a birthday. For me, my ostomy signifies a day of independence, (where are the fireworks?). I am free of disease, free of the bathroom and free of pain! I am free to play, free to run, and free to live life abundantly! Life is good with an ostomy.


  1. Guess it is time that I own my ostomy. July was my 6th year and December will 6 yrs permanent. Thank you for this.

    1. You can do it! (Said in my most enthusiastic coaching voice) Seriously, once you accept it, it may not be so horrible. You are not alone. Blessings~monnie


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