
Showing posts from January, 2013

Moving at age 94

Good Morning. I am sitting here drinking my coffee and gazing out the window at a snow covered world. A light dusting was predicted but it's more like a cake frosting out there with an occasional drift or two. It's beautiful. Cold but beautiful. We just got our Internet up and running after 3 weeks of being "unplugged" and it's nice to be back online again. You have no idea how attached to the Internet you are until it is unavailable! When we first moved in we were using a satellite provider--BIG mistake. It was like going back in time to dial up, most miserable, but we are back on fiber optic cable so all is well. We moved my Grammy into an assisted living joint this past weekend. It was full of emotion, both happy and sad. She is 94 and had been living in her own home by herself up until the big move. We are so fortunate that she is so healthy for a woman of her age. She uses a walker but that's about the extent of it. She is still very sharp and has a m...

This Is 40

No, this is not a review of the movie by Judd Apatow. This is just my thoughts on turning 40. Now, I realize I am not the first person to cross this mile marker of age. Many people have gone before me and lived to tell about it and I'm sure, many will follow me "over the hill" of the dreaded number 40. With this birthday looming in front of me (about 1 month), I can't help but do some analyzing of myself and my life.         Am I where I hoped I'd be?         Have I checked things of the proverbial Bucket List?         Do I need some "work" done? --kidding! :) What is it about turning 40 that make us question who we are? You know what I mean... Even if you are completely secure in yourself, there is something about a monumental birthday that has you thinking about life and choices. Since I am staring 40 in the face, I decided to list some of the things I have experienced over the years. 1. Family: Growing up in a...

Words to Ponder

There is nothing like the New Year to make a person reflect on the past and look to the future with hope and excitement. I am no different. Say what you will, I know it's cliche, but I really do enjoy this process. I like thinking of how I can be better in the coming year and what goals I would like to set. I find I put more stock in my priorities this time of year and remember why I do so. I think it's healthy mentally to do some sort of check list each year. I tend to be a little skeptical of mass postings on Facebook, never knowing if there is any truth to them or if it is truly the words of the named author. I ran across these two posts and though I can't verify their authenticity, I find them well written and very profound. I believe there is truth in each of the articles and can relate to much of them. The first is a posting by a columnist, Regina Brett, who wrote for a Cleveland, Ohio paper. A quick Google search confirmed that both  The Plain Dealer Newspaper a...