Good Morning. I am sitting here drinking my coffee and gazing out the window at a snow covered world. A light dusting was predicted but it's more like a cake frosting out there with an occasional drift or two. It's beautiful. Cold but beautiful.
We just got our Internet up and running after 3 weeks of being "unplugged" and it's nice to be back online again. You have no idea how attached to the Internet you are until it is unavailable! When we first moved in we were using a satellite provider--BIG mistake. It was like going back in time to dial up, most miserable, but we are back on fiber optic cable so all is well.
We moved my Grammy into an assisted living joint this past weekend. It was full of emotion, both happy and sad. She is 94 and had been living in her own home by herself up until the big move. We are so fortunate that she is so healthy for a woman of her age. She uses a walker but that's about the extent of it. She is still very sharp and has a memory better than mine.
It's been a decision in the making for at least a year now. My dad and his 2 sisters spent many hours talking about this move and made many visits to the assisted living places in the area. My Grammy knew she needed to do something as it was becoming harder and harder to navigate her home and care for it. She needed help with meals as she did very little past microwaving left overs from my aunt and fixing coffee and toast. After Christmas, she decided to make the move. This was an incredibly hard choice and in a way, I think she felt like she was giving up the last of her independence.
On moving day, my parents, my aunt and my cousin and I were all there to help Gram embark on her new adventure. We loaded up her few belongings she would be taking to her new 500 sqft home. It was very difficult to see her spacious home being reduced to such a few things. As we filled the trailer, Gram became a little emotional. She said "I told myself I wasn't going to do this!" as tears rolled down her cheeks. That about undid us all. Grammy is a strong, roll with the punches, always look for the best, God is good kinda girl so it was really hard to see her break down. She and my cousin stayed at the house while the rest of us took her belongings to set up her new home.
What was amazing is that we got her double bed, 2 recliners, 1 tall dresser, 2 small dressers, 2 small end tables and a small dining table with 3 chairs in this room. Oh, and of course her giant 55 inch flat screen TV! When it was all set up, the room felt like Grammy. It was still very roomy which surprised us all. Just as we finished the last bits of putting her room together, my cousin brought Gram up to see her new place.
The room before we moved everything in. |
I didn't realize I was holding my breath until Gram came in and sat down in her recliner and smiled. I think we were all waiting to exhale, hoping she would be OK with her new surroundings. She looked around and was surprised at how roomy the little one room apartment felt. She even marveled at how it already felt like home because all her things she used everyday were here. This made us all visibly relax and put smiles on our faces as well as in our hearts.
Through out the moving process, I kept in contact with my 2 cousins and sister who live in California. They too were anxious to hear how Gram would take to her new place. We texted and I sent photos of all the progress we were making. I hope they felt like a part of the day even though they are so far away.
Gram's welcome sign from the staff. |
Grammy seeing her welcome sign before entering her newly furnished room. |
It's been 5 days now since Grammy moved into her new assisted living apartment. She has made many new friends and even reconnected with a few from long ago. She goes to the dining room for 3 meals a day and even has quite the social life with all the activities planned through out the month.
Gram and Kristie relaxing after the big move. |
I think she will be happy here. She seems to have accepted that this is her new adventure. She told my aunt yesterday that she felt very relaxed. This little statement warms my soul. I think her big house had become a burden and though she would never admit it, maybe a little lonely.
I think we will all have a greater peace of mind knowing Grammy is happy and in a safe place providing the care she can't really give herself anymore.
Kristie, Gram and Aunt Jan enjoying the new place. |
Lisha's welcome home flowers! |
A panoramic of Gram's new place. The green ivy plant was a sweet gift from my grandfather on my mom's side of the family. |
Grammy sitting happy and content in her new home. |
Gram's giant TV that she insisted on keeping even though we thought it would be too big. Guess we were wrong, it fit nicely. |
My great Aunt Nell (Gram's 92 year old sister) came to see the new place. Mom visits with Gram. |
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