Ask Me Why I'm Blue
I'm blue because in the last five days, colon cancer has claimed the lives of two beautiful and brilliant women. One was 56 and the other 40, too young to leave their family and friends behind. Too much life yet to live. It's not right. It's not fair. Cancer is a cruel predator that takes and takes, torturing it's prey until there is nothing left but loss and grief. It's robbed 2 sets of parents of their daughter, two husbands of their beloved wife and a combined 5 children, grown and small, of their mother. A set of grandchildren also mourn the loss of their grandmother, grandchildren yet to be will never know the love of a special woman. These women leave behind a legacy of love and friendship. They were women of integrity and they will each be remembered for their zest for life.
Life is short, make the most of everyday for each day is a gift that some do not receive. Growing old is a privilege some will never have.
I'm not sure if colon cancer is becoming more predominate or if I am just more aware because of my own colon issues. Either way, it is not something to take lightly. Colon health is essential to the body's proper function. Sure, it can be removed if it is diseased or cancerous and the body can function with out it. Modern science has made this a fairly common thing. However, wouldn't it be better to just take care of it and keep this organ as healthy as possible? I realize that sometimes disease and cancer happen no matter what preventative measures are taken which is all the more reason to have colonoscopies on a regular basis.
I had my first colonoscopy at the ripe ol' age of 21 due to some Irritable Bowel Syndrome issues. After being treated with the correct meds I went 10 years symptom free. Because of this history, when problems started back up, another colonoscopy was ordered and brought with it the diagnosis of Ulcerative Colitis. Left untreated, UC can easily turn into cancer. The odds are not in bowel disease's favor of missing the cancer boat.
We live in a world full of toxins from the air that we breathe to the food we ingest. A colonoscopy should be on the list just like the yearly GYN exam and mammogram. It is as serious as blood pressure and heart health.
Sometimes cancer can't be avoided but with early detection the chances of survival are better. Sometimes cancer wins but not always. Make your health a priority, if not for yourself--do it for those you love and hold dear. They want you around!
This post is not written to induce fear. It's written to motivate and encourage you to be healthy, take care of yourself, treat your body like a temple. When I was young and invincible, I drank cokes like water and ate whatever I wanted. I didn't think about the issues I might face in my 30's. I don't know if UC could've been avoided, probably not, but I wish I'd done some things differently. I was raised with a very health conscious mother who detested fried foods and rarely allowed cokes and highly processed junk food in the house. I am so thankful for the standard she set even though I thought she was nuts
back then. In a world full of fast food and carcinogens it's hard to avoid them so just try to keep a healthy balance. Yes, I eat fast food and other not so great things but for the most part, I try to eat healthy and exercise regularly. Eating is an essential part of life and keeping a healthy diet will help the body to fight to keep things running right.
I'm not sorry for my little lecture here, but I will apologize if I came across condescending. That was not my intent at all. I am passionate about colon health because of my own struggles and just want the best for every person.
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