Austin, TX Turkey Trot

I did it! I registered for my first ever 5K! To say that I am nervous--understatement! I am even reluctant to put it out there that I've signed up... NOW I'M ACCOUNTABLE!

So now I'm getting serious about training. Told Killer, my trainer, today and he was pumped! Made me even more nervous! But I can do this, right!?!?!

Been doing a lot of soul searching over the last couple of weeks; I've come to the conclusion that my mind is more than half the battle when it comes to physical activity. I am so ready to be past this self doubt that I seem to hang on too. Why is it so hard to put this behind me?

I do still have chronic pain issues and working out seems to magnify some of them right now. I'm hoping the more weight I loose and the better shape I get into, things will settle down. I ordered a book today on living with chronic pain. I'm hoping this will give me some helpful tips as well as insight to deal with it.

The next few weeks are going to be hard as I step up my work outs and begin to train, not to mention changing my diet to an even stricter calorie intake. This is also going to require quite a bit of self discipline, which is not my forte.

I will be better because of this! That's what I keep telling myself anyway...


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