It's been a while...

Forgive me fellow bloggers, for it's been a while since my last entry. 

The last month has been nuts around here. Our oldest son has been sick going on 4 weeks now. He has missed more school this month than he did in the last 2 years total! He actually likes going to school and hates to miss--not a trait from his mother who often faked to stay home... Anyway, the poor kid has had 3 rounds of antibiotics and a booger of a shot for this upper respiratory crud that turned into bronchitis and now he has a thrush infection in his mouth and throat from all the antibiotics. :(  This makes us so very sad! I just hate it, and have been a little worried about him having so many antibiotics but what else could we do? With my UC issue, I try to steer clear of antibiotics as much as possible and I am leery of giving them to the boys for every cough and sniffle. Sometimes though, you have to take them. I just hate that Erik has thrush now. I've been giving him probiotics the whole time too, so frustrated! Now, I think the meds for the thrush are making him vomit. So, at this very moment, I'm waiting patiently for the doc to return my call...

To make matters worse, I've spent so much time in doctors' offices and around my sick kid that I have picked up a sinus infection. Joy. Now, I too, am on a round of antibiotics. I have to be sooooo careful when taking antibiotics because they can bring on a flare like no body's business! I will consume major amounts of yogurt, probiotics and zinc in order to counteract the side effects of antibiotics. 

The weather around here is starting to turn to fall. We've had a few cool fronts come in that have contributed to my feeling bad. OK, not just bad, but down right miserable. The pain during these time is sometimes unmanageable. The past 2 weeks have been hell--excuse my language, but it's fitting. I have done everything possible to try to live through the pain. It's affected my sleep which seems to have magnified the pain. I felt like a basket case this past weekend. I finally broke down and had a big ol' pity party on Sunday. Poor Shannon, I think he was ready to check me in somewhere--I was actually ready and willing to go too! Shoot, I could use a nice, heavily medicated vacation...

This week has started off much better. I have finally figured out a way to get some decent sleep which has helped immensely with the pain and my sanity. With enough sleep, I can deal with things so much better. I even went to my work out on Monday with Killer (my trainer). I wasn't able to do a full hour but I did work out! I did wake up today with quite a bit of pain in my hips and legs but so far, I've been able to push through it. Not sure if I'll get a work out in but we'll see. The days are closing in for the Turkey Trot 5K and I am FAR from able to run the 3 miles. I know 3 miles isn't much but it seems quite overwhelming right now. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, right?

Had to take a break from the pain workbook also. I was so crazy with little sleep and major pain that I was afraid if I picked up that workbook I might chunk it at someone who didn't deserve to be on the receiving end. I know this is a good book--please, don't get me wrong, but I just couldn't do anything rationally the last week. My mind was mush. I want to have a good experience with this workbook so I will complete the study and learn from it. (I have a hard time finishing things...)  I tend to get overwhelmed and procrastinate which just makes matters worse.

So, now that I'm feeling better and have the pain somewhat controlled for today, anyway, I'm looking forward to this weekend. The hubby and kids are off to the ranch for Youth Hunt Weekend and I'm having 5 of my bestest friends stay over Friday night. Just like an old fashioned slumber party! We have a masseuse coming to give us all massages and a friend who sells jewelry is coming in to bling us out. There will be lots of good food and even better wine. I can't wait! Now, just need to get Erik well...


  1. I remember slumber parties at your house in elementary school. Sounds fun!



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