PINK month!

October 1st signifies the start of Breast Cancer Awareness month. Unfortunately, breast cancer is something most of us are very familiar with. It seems like every time I turn around someone I know is battling this horrible killer disease. I hate it. Thankfully great strides are being made in the realm of treating it and the odds of surviving are much higher, especially with early detection.

I had a very dear friend pass away from breast cancer in 2004. She was a daughter, sister, wife and mother. Her absence is still felt to this day. She was a remarkable woman and when she died at 40 she had left quite a mark on this world. I loved her for her sense of humor and her amazing God-given wisdom. She fought this stupid cancer for 13 long years, never giving up on God's ability to heal her. When diagnosed at the age of 27, she knew she needed to live. She had a family to care for, kids to raise and husband to love. She should never have survived past the first year. It was a long and hard journey, not just for her, but for everyone around her. I have never lost anyone so young to a drawn out illness such as hers. It was the most gut wrenching, horrible experience. No one should have to suffer like this. I will never forget her last moments of struggling to breathe. The sound of each ragged breath and occasional moans ripped through our hearts like they were as thin as paper. It was a definite blessing when she finally went home. After she passed away, her husband said the look of peace on her face and slight smile on her lips confirmed that she was now with her Heavenly Father and for the first time in 13 years, whole again. No more pain. No more suffering. She is beautiful now, no longer riddled with cancer eating away at her body.

So here we are, the 1st of October, National Breast Cancer Awareness month or PINK month. Please ladies--check those boobies!! Make those mammogram appointments. 5 minutes of ta ta squishing is nothing to stay healthy!! Don't think that it won't happen to you, KNOW it's not happening to you by staying "abreast" with self checks and regular mammograms. If it does happen to you, God forbid, thank Him for early detection. Lean on Him as you seek treatment and know that He is the ultimate healer.

Here are some helpful sites about breast cancer. Please, check yourself and encourage the women around you to do the same. We can beat this together. Life is precious, don't take it for granted.


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