intersting day...
Today has been a great day as far as feeling good. I skipped my usual cup(s) of coffee today. Unfortunately, I think this has contributed to my having a good day. I love my morning coffee. I could easily drink a whole pot all by myself. I decided to skip coffee today after noticing that on Sunday after drinking 2 cups I had to lay down and take an hour and a half nap! Who does that?? I thought coffee would have the opposite effect! So, weird as that is, I think coffee may contribute to my feeling bad. :( Maybe it's the acid? I don't know, but today I had more energy and my body did not ache like it has been. I shall try this again tomorrow...
Also, tomorrow I will start seriously training for that 5k on Thanksgiving day. I'm a little nervous as I really want to complete this thing. I know to most people running 3 miles doesn't seem like much of a challenge but when you struggle with an autoimmune disease, every single day can be a challenge. There are days I have a hard time just getting in the shower let alone RUNNING 3 miles!! I am committed though.
Tonight was a monumental night-- we traded in my Mustang for my firstborn's first car. To say he was excited is an understatement. I am sad to see the Mustang go but so happy to celebrate this landmark in my son's life! Watch out Canyon--he'll be on the road in less than a month...
Now back to the whole coffee issue--I made some hot green tea instead; while not coffee, it did do the trick of helping me get going. I like green tea a lot so that's not the issue, it's just that I couldn't drink coffee for several years after my diagnosis of UC. It was just to hard on my tummy and colon. Once I could drink it with out having severe cramping, I was so excited! Now, I'm wondering--it's not causing cramps but, is it making me hurt? Joint wise, I mean. I know acid can build up in your muscles and make you sore; could it cause joint issues too in someone who struggles with that? Something I shall watch carefully.
Diet coke is another no-no for me. I've known this for a while and don't drink them much but I did have a bit of a backslide the last couple of weeks. Because I wasn't sleeping well I started compensating with the diet coke. Of course, it hasn't done me any favors. No diet coke today either.
I have Remicade tomorrow. I hope to get a run in before my appointment at 10am, but we'll see. On the day of my infusion, I'm usually to wiped out to do much and I'm not really supposed to do much anyway. I guess I can wait 'til Wednesday, I'm just so pumped to feel good for the first time in 2 weeks.
Also, tomorrow I will start seriously training for that 5k on Thanksgiving day. I'm a little nervous as I really want to complete this thing. I know to most people running 3 miles doesn't seem like much of a challenge but when you struggle with an autoimmune disease, every single day can be a challenge. There are days I have a hard time just getting in the shower let alone RUNNING 3 miles!! I am committed though.
Tonight was a monumental night-- we traded in my Mustang for my firstborn's first car. To say he was excited is an understatement. I am sad to see the Mustang go but so happy to celebrate this landmark in my son's life! Watch out Canyon--he'll be on the road in less than a month...
Now back to the whole coffee issue--I made some hot green tea instead; while not coffee, it did do the trick of helping me get going. I like green tea a lot so that's not the issue, it's just that I couldn't drink coffee for several years after my diagnosis of UC. It was just to hard on my tummy and colon. Once I could drink it with out having severe cramping, I was so excited! Now, I'm wondering--it's not causing cramps but, is it making me hurt? Joint wise, I mean. I know acid can build up in your muscles and make you sore; could it cause joint issues too in someone who struggles with that? Something I shall watch carefully.
Diet coke is another no-no for me. I've known this for a while and don't drink them much but I did have a bit of a backslide the last couple of weeks. Because I wasn't sleeping well I started compensating with the diet coke. Of course, it hasn't done me any favors. No diet coke today either.
I have Remicade tomorrow. I hope to get a run in before my appointment at 10am, but we'll see. On the day of my infusion, I'm usually to wiped out to do much and I'm not really supposed to do much anyway. I guess I can wait 'til Wednesday, I'm just so pumped to feel good for the first time in 2 weeks.
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