Just some random thoughts...

I am posting from Sacramento, California this morning. I am visiting my sister and her family consisting of 1 husband and 3 kiddos. My nephew is 4, my niece is 2 and my other niece is 9 months on Monday. I am exhausted. I have forgotten what it is like to have littles running around. I love it though.

I feeling out of sorts today. Not sure why. I have a strange ache in my right side a few inches over from my stoma... It kept me up much of the night. What is it? Could it be as simple as a sore muscle from my run yesterday? I am hoping so. Please don't let it be more...

Being around these little ones reminds me of how pure and wonderful innocence is. My own kids are crossing the threshold of young adulthood taking with them their innocence. It saddens me a little but I admit, I love that they are turning into people I really enjoy hanging with. It's a trade off.


I've been reading various articles and postings on the topic of ostomates and public swimming pools. This saddens me. Ignorance can be so harmful. As my brother in law so eloquently put it:
 Who doesn't have a butt hole? Anyone who has one should not be allowed in a public pool.
 This made me smile, because a few of us ostomates don't. Well done Brady, well done.  

On one hand, I understand the issue people have with an ostomy bag in the pool, but- it is, actually, A LOT MORE sanitary than a baby with a diaper. Just sayin... So I think I will add this topic to my power point for future medical personnel. In actuality, unless I wore a tiny bikini, no one would know I have a bag. 



More later....


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