A New Book & Then Some...

Started a new book today, Arresting Grace by Michael Joel Green. I'm only one chapter in but I'm hooked. Here's a link to his website:
Arresting Grace   ArrestingGraceCover-Kindle
I actually downloaded the e-book (kindle version) for free and am very glad I did. Totally hooked on this guy's willingness to be completely transparent with who he was at the time of his DUI arrest. I can't wait to read more.

His writing style reminds me of Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller. Blue Like Jazz: Nonreligious Thoughts on Christian Spirituality [Book]
He conveys a humble approach to his belief in God and his human-ness to screw up and I find it very easy, not only to read but also, to relate to. It's like he's sitting in your living room, on your couch, and visiting with you face to face.

I love to read. Actually, love is not a strong enough word. I think I would die with out something to read. I always have several books going at one time. Depending on my mood, I might reach for something light and funny or maybe, something that challenges the way I think. I want to be enriched and educated by a book.

Reading is one thing that has helped me through my battle with Ulcerative Colitis and various surgeries. I dug through tons and tons of books on bowel disease and UC to try to learn how to live with it. I changed my lifestyle and eating habits in order to live a healthier life and committed to memory supplements and therapies that would help. All of which I learned through various books and websites.

I used reading as an escape when my mind needed relief from the physical demand of disease. I would go in search of a book that would transport me far from reality. Somewhere I could find relief and a few moments of peace from pain.

I studied and devoured books on staying positive through physical pain, focusing on the good and not the bad. My mind suffered just as much as my body did. Sometimes I think my mind was harder to deal with than the physical attack of UC. When depression would set in, even reading was physically taxing. Trying to fight depression before it over took me was not an easy task.

I still have my dark days, believe me. Days when I question every little ache as though it might be hiding something bigger-- scarier. After fighting disease for 8 years, it takes a bit of training not to fall into the old thought pattern of 'here we go again...' I am committed though, to changing this current habit. I refuse to lose any more life to disease, even if it's only a tortured thought.

If anything, living with UC taught me to embrace everyday, especially the good ones. During one of my many hospital stays due to UC flares, I decided I would focus on the important things in life. My kids, my hubby, my God. I never once thought about how clean my house was or if my laundry was being done while in the hospital. I only thought of what I was missing: my kids' sporting events, school activities, the hubby's accomplishments, family dinner time, and the mundane-everyday things like picking kids up from school, running errands with the hubby... It's true what they say- "On your deathbed you will not think that you should've kept your house cleaner or spent more time at the office; you will wish you'd had more time for God, family and friends.

Life is not about a "TO DO" list. It's about embracing the moment and living abundantly. The older I get, the more sure of this I am. Life is short and it is precious. There are many who die way to young so I will not complain about what isn't perfect. I will grab hold of each day and appreciate it for what it is, a gift from God.


  1. Monnie...you know I seldom post on anything but your blog made me think about my very dear best friend who had a disease (Cystic Fibrosis)and lived her whole life life according to this "once you learn how to die, you learn how to live". Thank you for sharing so much. Blessings to you and your family.

    1. thank you jendy. your friend's statement is so true and i wish it didn't take an illness for me to figure these things out. thanks again for posting, i love the feedback. blessings right back at ya! ;)

  2. Monnie--

    thank you so much for your encouragement and kind words regarding my book, Arresting Grace. i struggled with whether or not to put it out there. but the response has been wonderful, and i continue to realize that it's in our brokenness and honesty that we connect with each other.

    thanks again
    michael green

    1. Michael,
      I am a firm believer in truth and transparency. To be anything other is to insult our Creator. We struggle because we live in a fallen world and yet we can experience the beauty and healing of grace because of it. To think we are alone in our sufferings is a lie to keep us separated from our destiny. Without hardship and trial, life would be too easy and we'd be so shallow and miserable! Many blessings to you and keep writing! You're quite good!


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