That Darn Colon!
Why did I wait so long to have that darn colon removed?!?!? If I had known then what I know now, I would have jumped at the chance. I guess it's a process though; you must get to the point of no return- so to speak.
When all the meds stopped working and there were no other options, I finally gave in to the colectomy. It was a rough go for quite some time and a huge learning curve with the ostomy bag, but in the end-- SO COMPLETELY WORTH IT!
Today marks 8 months with my ileostomy and 5 months since rectum removal. Aside from normal surgical pain and healing, I have never felt better!
I am running again! Something I have not been able to do in over 8 years because the joint pain of UC was so debilitating.
I am eating raw veggies again! Another thing UC had robbed me of because it was so painful to digest.
I wake up feeling great! I've never been a morning person but with UC, some days I couldn't even get out of bed.
I go places with out fear of having an "episode"! I was always searching for a bathroom and hoping to make it before I literally crapped my pants. No more :)!
I have an apatite! And with that came energy! I don't think I've been hungry for 8 years. When food is related to pain and suffering, it's hard to want to eat.
I haven't had 1 prescription pain pill for 4 months! WOW! It's hard to remember when I didn't carry something stronger than Tylenol for UC or joint pain.
I am loving life! Tomorrow is World IBD day. I plan to celebrate like it's a birthday! Until I was diagnosed with UC, I had never heard of it. Until I had a colectomy, I didn't know a thing about ostomies. Now--I am all about educating and showing others that life with an ostomy is freeing!
Living daily with chronic pain and illness can crush a person's spirit. I found a light at the end of the tunnel while searching for others like me. Thanks to the internet, I know I'm not alone in my fight with bowel disease. Twitter, Facebook, Intense Intestines, Google and various blogs have shown me there is life beyond disease. I am forever grateful.
When all the meds stopped working and there were no other options, I finally gave in to the colectomy. It was a rough go for quite some time and a huge learning curve with the ostomy bag, but in the end-- SO COMPLETELY WORTH IT!
Today marks 8 months with my ileostomy and 5 months since rectum removal. Aside from normal surgical pain and healing, I have never felt better!
I am running again! Something I have not been able to do in over 8 years because the joint pain of UC was so debilitating.
I am eating raw veggies again! Another thing UC had robbed me of because it was so painful to digest.
I wake up feeling great! I've never been a morning person but with UC, some days I couldn't even get out of bed.
I go places with out fear of having an "episode"! I was always searching for a bathroom and hoping to make it before I literally crapped my pants. No more :)!
I have an apatite! And with that came energy! I don't think I've been hungry for 8 years. When food is related to pain and suffering, it's hard to want to eat.
I haven't had 1 prescription pain pill for 4 months! WOW! It's hard to remember when I didn't carry something stronger than Tylenol for UC or joint pain.
I am loving life! Tomorrow is World IBD day. I plan to celebrate like it's a birthday! Until I was diagnosed with UC, I had never heard of it. Until I had a colectomy, I didn't know a thing about ostomies. Now--I am all about educating and showing others that life with an ostomy is freeing!
Living daily with chronic pain and illness can crush a person's spirit. I found a light at the end of the tunnel while searching for others like me. Thanks to the internet, I know I'm not alone in my fight with bowel disease. Twitter, Facebook, Intense Intestines, Google and various blogs have shown me there is life beyond disease. I am forever grateful.
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