I BAGGED the beach!

Just arrived home from Cabo San Lucas, Mexico this week... wishing the sand pile in my suitcase could be a bit larger with an even larger body of water attached to it...

This was my first time to rock the ostomy at the beach, in a swimsuit, in public! My worst fears came and went inexperienced. *HUGE sigh of relief* (Did I say that right? Inexperienced? Or unexperienced? Hmmm, wonder what spell checker has to say... nothing. Well, you know what I mean.)

We had a very relaxing and wonderful time in Mexico and I cannot wait to hit the beach again, and soon! I managed to read 6 books over the course of our trip. That's almost a book a day. *sigh of ecstasy* I could seriously get used to that kind of life.

I can't express to you how nervous I was about being in a swimsuit, the ocean and a public pool at the beginning of this vacation. It is my very first beach and public pool experience with the whole ostomy bag contraption. I have donned a swimsuit and spent about 20-30 minutes in my private backyard pool and should I have had an issue, no one would have known. Needless to say, the bag stayed put even in the not so gentle waves of the ocean. I managed to spend most of everyday swimsuit clad and hopping from one body of water to a lounge chair. The ostomy wafer (the part that attaches to my skin like a band-aid to hold the bag actually held on pretty good; this was a great relief and surprise. Under my swimsuit I wore a special swimsuit material type band that kept it close to my body which also helped to keep it in place. Without it, the adhesive may not have held up as well. At one point, we were swimming and snorkeling for over 2 hours in the water and "no problemo" what so ever!

I did discover that even 1 fruity alcohol drink while lounging poolside is enough to dehydrate me quickly and bring on some heat issues, so I drank lots and lots of water instead. "Virgin" fruity drinks in the sun and, how shall I put this..."Experienced" fruity drinks when the sun goes down. :)

I have yet to get my groove back since getting home. I am so tired! I think I need a vacation from the vacation. The house is a wreck with a ton of beachy laundry to do and the groceries I bought the day after we got home are half put away. I managed to get the fridge stuff in the fridge but that's about it before I ran out of steam. I have a severe case of the do nothings.

I'm a bit nervous about something and I think that's also weighing me down this week. I have to give my testimony tomorrow in front of a ministry team for a women's retreat I'm working this fall. I DO NOT ENJOY PUBLIC SPEAKING. In fact, I can hardly remember my own name when I'm supposed to talk in large groups. I had to write out my entire talk word for word which will hopefully, allow me to not freeze up. Just writing about it right now is causing my stomach to do flips--we're talking triple back flips off a high dive Olympic style here.


This is an area I am really pushing myself to tackle my fear of. I want to be able to help others who have gone through something similar and I know that public speaking is one of the best venues for it. I'd much rather write a book though... one day... maybe... The saying You don't know how strong you are until you have to be strong is so right on! 2011 really put me to the test!

I'm sitting here looking around at all the crap that needs to be done and racking my brain to think of more things to write about so I can avoid it... The do nothings have switched into high gear.

Another cup of coffee? Why yes, I think I will.

Okay, coffee in hand. While my trusty K-cup was brewing I managed to put away a few pantry items. There, accomplished something.

I cannot believe that it is July 13th! Where has the summer gone? We have about 2 weeks before we need to start prepping for the new school year. I am so undone and unorganized from our move in June that the thought of of getting ready for school makes me want to crawl under a rock. I think my brain is in the box with the printer A/C adapter and tennis shoes I can't seem to locate. Why those 2 items are in the same box, I don't know. I've really got to get my butt in gear. I tend to procrastinate as it is and being all disheveled is not helping.

Wondering what else I can do to avoid chores...

Oh, yesterday I pinned all kinds of helpful organizing and household tips on Pinterest. I used all my energy focusing on Pinterest that I didn't have any left for actual projects. Yes a colossal waste of time. Mission accomplished.

Heading out with some girlies tonight to catch a movie... I think Magic Mike is the top choice... Well, I hate to be a party pooper. Oh OK! I feel guilty about seeing the movie, part of me (the carnal part) is curious and the older, more mature and spiritually sound is tisk-tisking me with her finger. I'm only human... It's in the same category as Fifty Shades of Grey. And yes, I read that series too. More tisking... 

Well, I'm running low on topics and the coffee is gone so now it's time to face the music and put my big girl cleaning panties on.


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