Dog Days

The dog days of summer are here and it is STINKIN' HOT!

Every year about this time I start longing for the cooler weather of fall. I look wistfully at my sweaters remembering the crispness of the changing seasons. I want to put pumpkins on my porch and drink hot chocolate at Friday night football games.

Fall is one of my favorite seasons and not just for the clothes. As a family, we tend to have more dinners at home and spend more time together. It's easier with the structure of school I think.

This will be my first fall in many years to be healthy! I am so very excited about this since I missed most of last fall due to hospital stays and surgeries. In the past, fall time usually brought on a flare of Ulcerative Colitis. My doc told me once that it's common for flares to happen in the fall though the reasons behind it are unknown. I am relieved to not have a potential flare hanging over me this year.

Our oldest son will be a senior in high school this year. To be able to feel good and experience all the exciting events coming up is beyond words for me! He may be tired of me feeling good and "all up in his bizness" pretty quick. ;) Sorry kiddo--better get used to it!

The other munchkin will be a sophomore in high school. The term munchkin really doesn't fit anymore since he is quite a bit taller than I am. Looks like he will have a spot on the varsity football team this year too. My Friday nights just got booked...

It's crazy to think we are just a few years from being empty nesters. We will be in our early 40s too. I'm realizing that 40 is still pretty young! In fact, my 40s may be the healthiest years I've had in a very long time!

I started having health issues in my 20s after the birth of our 2nd son. I ended up with a full hysterectomy at age 28 then emergency gall bladder removal 6 months later. And of course, diagnosed with UC at 31. I had numerous surgeries and hospital stays along the way as well. I don't think I have many organs left to spare although, I hear you can live on just one kidney and one lung, but I'm not willing to try it. I think I'm done going under the knife.

So tomorrow marks then of our summer spontaneity. Thomas will start 2 a day work outs for football and Erik will need to get busy with his accelerated class preparations, not to mention all that senior stuff. This also means I have to get with the program too. More cooking and structure enforcement.

Structure. So not my favorite word. This is very hard for me as I am really a free spirit. Some people flourish under a schedule; I tend to stress out. At 39 you would think I would learn to cope but I haven't. It doesn't help that I dread a strict routine either. Maybe it's my attitude? Yeah, probably...

Right now, I need to be working on menu planning and a grocery list... as you can tell, I thought blogging would help me avoid that chore. I also have a ton of laundry and other household chores that have piled up. I think I'll start officially tomorrow; it is Sunday today and even God took a day to rest...

Justification. I'm the queen.


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