Whoop whoop!!

I got a run in! A storm started rolling in which cooled the temp down allowing me to hit the ground running. Son #2 had football practice so while he was on the field I was taking laps around the school grounds.

I think it helped my attitude tremendously. I no longer hate every one! I'm kidding, sort of.

I always feel better after a good workout. Sweating out all the yuck from my body and mind. It forces me to focus on moving forward in all areas of my life. Am I the only one who gets stuck sometimes? Those of us who had records remember when the needle would get caught in a scratch, that's how I feel sometimes. A hard run will usually bring me out of it.

Well, maybe tomorrow will be better now. I didn't get a workout in Monday which is probably why I was all funky today. Yes, tomorrow will be much better.


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