My Happy Place

 This is my happy place. 
The place I go to when I need to ignore the world for a while. 
A friend gave me some old hymnals and I am using this one to journal in. 
It may not look like much, but this past-time brings me a lot of peace. 

I can take time to focus on my God and enjoy some creativity at the same time.  
These are just a few of my pages. 

This escape provides me with a way to occupy my mind and my hands. 

It keeps me busy and helps to relieve nervous energy.
It's fun!
It gives immediate gratification.
I never outgrew my coloring days of childhood.
I love the feel of a marker gliding over paper.
Enjoyment comes from changing something ordinary into something fun!
Yes, I could do this for hours and have.

Life is for living and art journaling allowed me to do so during my darkest days of illness.

When pain set in and stole color from my days, journaling helped my mind cope.
Something to shut out the screams of my body.
A reminder of God's promises of healing and joy.
Illness is a powerful enemy and I often need a reminder that I am not a prisoner of it's crippling grip.
A way out of the dark dungeon that threatens to become my home.
              Art journaling can be done anywhere with any medium. 
                                All that's needed is imagination. 


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