What I Know...
What I know to be true:
- GOD is THE higher power and responsible for all that is creation.
- Jesus Christ is the Son of God and through His sacrifice I am saved in spite of my shortcomings.
- I am a sinner saved by grace.
- Love can be unconditional and last through hard and trying times.
- Peace is something found with in when I choose God over the chaos of the world.
- Happiness is a state of mind I have to actively pursue every day regardless of my surroundings.
- Health is a blessing.
- Wisdom is never attained easily.
- An object in motion tends to stay in motion.
- Words hurt much worse than sticks and stones and leave deeper, uglier scars.
- Forgiveness is not easy to give or accept but I try hard in both areas.
- Nothing is ever black and white.
- There will always be regrets but learning from them is what makes them worth it.
- I am not all-knowing.
- I am biased in my opinions but that does bot make me always right.
- I must get up when I fall down.
- Respect is earned when respect is given.
- Someone will always disagree with me but how I handle it determines my character.
- My heart can be broken but I will not die from it.
- My heart can heal and be stronger than I thought possible.
- I am never too old to learn new tricks.
- There is always someone smarter, prettier, better than myself but comparison is the thief of joy.
- I am a child of God and sometimes I need to curl up in His lap.
- My children are so much more than I could have ever hoped for.
- Life does not end when things don't go like I think they should.
- I am imperfect but always striving to be better.
- There are always consequences to actions.
- Nothing is ever all about me.
- Age, sex, race, and social status do not make a person.
- Every baby is beautiful and perfect.
- Life is short and it should be an adventure.
- Karma is real.
- Never miss an opportunity to tell someone they are loved.
- People change.
- Materialism is fleeting.
- Family and friends are valuable beyond words.
- The darkest night will eventually have a dawn.
- Even the strong get tired too.
- Tears are cleansing whether they are happy, sad or mad.
- Money does not grow on trees.
- The high road is often up hill but never regretted.
- Somethings do not get better with time while others do.
- Age is a state of mind. I've met some very young old people and some very old young people.
- Animals will make me smile and fill my heart with joy.
- "Don't sweat the small stuff" and "pick your battles" are great words of wisdom.
- Time flies.
- Faith is an action word.
- Man cannot live on bread and water alone.
- Accidents happen.
- Life is to be lived and lived abundantly.
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