Ostomy Support Group (ONLINE!)

When I opted for my permanent ileostomy in September 2011, I really had very little knowledge about what this journey would entail. I found all sorts of clinical explanations but nothing from a personal and intimate view point. I have since come across various personal blogs and Facebook pages of other people dealing with many of the same issues I do. This has inspired me to make an ostomy support group page on Facebook because the Amarillo/Texas Panhandle area does not currently have one.

West Texas Ostomy Support Group

If you would take a few minutes to check out the link above and maybe "Like" and share it with a friend or two who might be interested, it would make my day! It's not strictly for people in the Texas Panhandle, I just wanted to reach out directly to those of us in this area since I don't know many ostomates in my own area.

The focus of this page is to give people a place to share their stories of life with an ostomy, j-pouch, bowel disease and other issues associated with chronic illness. It will post information to educate and enlighten. There will also be a fair amount of funny stories and jokes because, let's face it--laughter is the best medicine! Basically, people need to know they are not alone. Bowel disease issues are often very embarrassing and limiting to the person who suffers from it. It can be a very depressing and lonely life, so there needs to be a group that understands and supports a person when life is hard.

There were many days during my 8 years of Ulcerative Colitis where I couldn't leave the bathroom, much less the house. The internet is a great tool giving access to "friends and groups" when illness keeps you isolated.


  1. I am not from Texas but know that during the 2 years my Crohns colitis was at it's worst I would have felt so much better knowing that there was somone out there like me. Now 7 years after my ostomy surgery I want to help as many people as I can.


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