disappointment and CAPS!

So, I didn't get to run my 5K because I had the FREAKIN' FLU!
I spent Wednesday through Friday in bed with the FREAKIN' FLU!
The 5K was today (Saturday, May 12th). I was too weak to run.
I cannot express to you how sad I am about this.
I am beyond disappointed.
I wanted to COMPLETE this goal and I would have if it were not for the FREAKIN' FLU!
Yes, I'm raising my voice via caps lock.
"SHOUTY CAPS" (from the Shades of Grey trilogy :)
I am MAD!
I have been working so hard to be ready. All I wanted was to complete the 5K. I didn't have unrealistic expectations; in fact, my only expectation was to finish.
That's it.
I was prepared to walk part if I needed to.
I was prepared to cross the finish line last.
All I wanted was to finish.
I am MAD.

Time to put a new goal on the calendar.
I needed some venting and it's now done so I must move forward.
After all, this is life.
I guess I need to start looking for a new 5K to sign up for.
I really do better if I have something to work towards...


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